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Patronus FAQ's

Patronus Frequently Asked Questions

  • Question What is Patronus Answer Patronus is Fortium's proprietary DVD anti rip copy protection technology helping content owners protect their...

    2017-08-30 14:50:40 +0100

  • Question How does Patronus work? Answer Patronus is a passive anti-rip solution that encapsulates image files on a DVD disc...

    2017-08-30 14:50:50 +0100

  • Question How do I apply Patronus to DVD's Answer Patronus DVD Copy Protection is applied through our proprietary "Totus" software...

    2017-08-30 14:43:27 +0100

  • Question How effective is Patronus? Answer Very effective, but it won't prevent ripping in 100% of cases.  The goal of...

    2017-08-30 14:50:06 +0100

  • Question Do protected discs still play properly? Answer Both extensive internal and external testing is done to ensure playability of...

    2017-08-30 14:50:18 +0100

  • d Question Does Patronus protection become outdate? Answer We have a dedicated team that are developing Patronus constantly, to keep...

    2017-08-30 14:48:31 +0100

  • Question Can a Protronus protected disc be copied? Answer Patronus performs very well against mass market ripping programs. In some...

    2017-08-30 14:49:51 +0100

  • Question Do you provide upgrades for Patronus? Answer Keeping ahead of the mass ripping technologies out there is an ongoing...

    2017-08-30 14:53:06 +0100

  • Question How much piracy is out there? Is it worth protecting my discs? Answer The problem is widespread. Optical disc...

    2017-08-30 14:54:23 +0100

  • Question Is a Dongle / Secure Stick required for Patronus? Answer We usually get customers to use blank dongle/USB stick...

    2017-08-30 14:58:26 +0100
